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BOH Minutes Aug 1 2018
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Katie Carroll, Matt Poole, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:  Heikki Soikelli , George Sourati (Sourati Engineering), Lochridge family, Delilah Meegan (MRC Intern)

Bedroom Definition Discussion  Heikki Soikkeli came before the Board with questions regarding proposed pool houses as to whether or not they would be considered a bedroom by the Board of Health, thus requiring additional septic capacity.  The Board noted that in this case, the Title 5 definition of a bedroom hinges on the concept of “provides privacy” – and to all appearances, a pool house the size of a modest single family home would certainly be viewed as a bedroom for septic purposes.  The Board noted that, in some cases, it has been possible for the property owner to furnish a deed restriction, permanently restricting the place from being used as sleeping space.

Bernstein, 28 Tilton Farm Road (18-14.2)   The Board reviewed a replacement well permit application prepared by John Clarke.  The proposed well does not require variances, and was approved by the Board, on the condition that the old well be decommissioned in accordance with DEP Private Well Guidelines.

0 Peaked Hill Rd, (25-15)  George Sourati presented a septic construction plan for a proposed three bedroom house on a currently-vacant property of <1acre.  The plan meets required setbacks and was approved by the Board, pending receipt of a well completion report.

2 Stone Ridge, (25-130)  George Sourati discussed renovation plans for an existing house on Chilmark Pond.  The system is approved for 6 bedrooms, with 863 gpd capacity. Currently, the proposed detached bedroom had never been built, and the house contains 5 bedrooms.  The proposal would knock down a separation wall between two existing bedrooms, and build an addition to the house with a bathroom and art studio, which would count as a bedroom for septic system purposes.  The Board noted that there was a requirement on the existing permit to remove all garbage grinders in the dwelling; the homeowners assented to this measure.  The board also asked that Marina Lent conduct a bedroom count on the property to confirm current number of bedrooms.

16 Squibnocket Road (35-17.2) The Board examined a septic tie-in plan prepared by Reid Silva, but determined that there was insufficient information about the proposal to take a decision at this time.

MRC intern program: Delilah Meegan updated the Board on the internship for disaster preparedness.  She noted that, since the program is in the process of being re-established, the focus has been on outreach to obtain and welcome new volunteers, rather than on conducting training exercises or drills.  She has established a facebook page and website, and will conduct a public education table at the fireworks and at the Ag Fair.

Public Nursing Contract FY’19:  The Board reviewed terms and list of services to be delivered by Island Health Care under the public nursing contract in FY’19.  The Board noted that the services exceed the appropriated funds for this program, as they are slated at a level which has not been delivered in the past four or five years. While the Board welcomes the prospect of a revitalized public nursing program, the Board will commit to an 8-month contract, with a thorough review after six months, to determine whether an increased rate of service delivery is appropriate for this program.

Chilmark Road Race 2018 Sanitary Plan:  The Board approved the proposed sanitary plan for the Chilmark Road Race, which appears to be working well.

Invoices:  The Board approved the following invoices for payment:

  • MVRD – Landfill/CBT $31.04
  • MVRD Landfill grass mowing 50% $1,250
The meeting adjourned at 18:04 hours.

_______________________              _______________________                       _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair                 Matthew Poole                                       Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                   Chilmark Board of Health                     Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.